Atlanta Area Chapter of the AACN

Happy Holidays from the Board! *action required*

Posted over 2 years ago by Gillian Getty

Happy Holidays to everyone from your Atlanta Area Chapter AACN Board Members!  We hope you are enjoying the season and remembering to take some time to relax and connect with loved ones. 


We have recently updated our Nursing Network website and noticed that the contact information for our Membership person was no longer valid.  I would like to apologize if you have tried to contact us and have not gotten a response.  The information is now correct.  J


We have had some interesting Educational offerings by Zoom this fall, including one by Sonosite (Placing IV’s via Ultrasound), and most recently a talk by Atlanta based ‘Quality Coaching Company’ and ‘NextGen Healthcare’ (Voices from those Serving: Current Challenges in Critical Care Nursing).  We will not have an educational offering in January because of the holidays, but we can’t wait to see what Dalita and Erica are going to find for us in February!  We are trying to transition back to ‘in person’ events in the new year but are following current COVID trends closely. 


We have a couple of tasks that we would like all our members to take a few minutes to complete for us.  The first task is to fill out a ballot to establish the Board for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.  These individuals will be the current year elect positions and will learn the rolls over the rest of this fiscal year.  This ballot will only take a few minutes as there is only one nomination per position, but we need to have enough chapter members vote to accomplish a quorum.  There is also an option to write in a name if there is someone who you would like to see in that position.  We will be taking nominees for the upcoming fiscal year starting in February – so if you need a little longer to think about it there will be more opportunities coming soon!   The second task is to fill in an Educational Needs Survey.  This will let us know which direction we should be going with our educational content.  We really would appreciate your input!  Both links are listed below. 

We have been having some issues with our links through Nursing Network - so if you get a Nursing Network Error page just copy and paste the link into a new browser.

Board Election Ballot:

Educational Needs Survey:


Thank you so much for all you do every day in serving our patient population and thank you so much for taking time to respond to our surveys! 


Happy Holidays from your Board!


Gillian Getty * Dalton Skipper * Brittany Benson * Carrie McDermott

Rena Thompson * Dalita Davis * Erica Haywood * Maya Jackson

Mary Svendrowski * Pam Caison * Rhonda Freeman